Employees' salaries will be calculated quickly and accurately
n financial and administrative systems, the most important parts are the employment, staffing and ultimately salary, and as you know, employee satisfaction from their salaries and benefits, as well as correct calculation and timely payment, can provide satisfaction. And improve the operational efficiency of your hotel
Equitable and paid software with ease of use makes it easy to integrate all employee affairs from time to time, at the time of hiring, to the stage of calculating and paying wages and settlements.
With paid salary software, salary management is organized with careful control and will be useful for submitting financial and managerial reports in your hotel management system to achieve your goals.
Has a mission system
The ability to record and track the most minor changes in the system
Different reporting capabilities
Completely integrated with Tariana PMS
Key Features
- Assigning an aggregate document number to documents recorded in a different time period
- Archiving and reflagging documents that have been removed from the system
- Attach files and scanned images of documents
- Print the document and the checks in it in various formats
- Integration in the relationship between the financial system and the core
- Record and control all operations related to received and paid documents
- Defining the various types of mission-specific parameters and defining the formulas for calculating payment parameters.
- Print Checks and Revoke Checklist Checks
- Definition of the ceiling and the minimum remaining balance for accounts and controls in the financial statements