A complete and accurate statistical analysis of your inventory to quickly calculate the inventory of goods in your hotel
In storage, all of the operational cycles of the warehouse include the entry and exit of the goods and the stages available in each cycle can be defined (request for goods, purchase, receipt, remittance, etc.)
In the warehouse of the hotel, inventory inventory should always be investigated in terms of anticipation and precaution, and when the goods are completed, the goods are not individually marked (before the completion of each sex, order the purchase). To this end, the software The hotel's storage needs to be designed in such a way as to meet these needs with speed and accuracy. This is the point that we are particularly interested in.
Initial definitions include warehouse, product units, and organization centers
Record and track the most minor changes in information
Defines the parameter of the coding type
Calculate auto-depreciation of property
Key Features
- Define the required parameters in different sectionsDefine the required parameters in different sections
- The possibility of recording the accounting document in the unconfirmed documentation system of the accounting system
- Definition of warehouse headings, grouping of goods
- The definition of the cycle and operational stages of the warehouse are related to each other from the stage of application of the goods to the final receipt of the warehouse
- Ability to limit the display of information in defined cycles with respect to all of the previous parameters
- Possibility to manually and automatically complete the documents recorded in the cycles according to the length of time after document registration.
- Ability to delete group of documents
- Add attachment
- Extraction of all reports related to warehouse chapters, warehouse cycles and etc.
- Registering the property card along with the transfer automatically through the billing cycle and remittance of the warehouse